We really had a great time at an Auntie Mame party in Ha'iku on Saturday night. I got to wear my tux with a turban and a gold loop earring and hang out with a beautiful and ever energetic tattooed woman in a red feather headdress and boa, my wife Denni. Mahalo to Tony for taking this great photo for me.

On Saturday I drove past the Makawao Veterans Cemetery as they were beginning to set the American flag on each grave. There are so many men and women who gave their all for us, fighting for their country and families even if they sometimes did not believe in the cause. My uncles who were my namesakes, my parents both had a brother named Jack, gave their lives as bombardiers in WWII, one was lost in the Pacific and my fathers brother is buried in the giant Lorraine American Cemetery in St. Alvo, France. I hope to make a journey there someday in the not too distant future. Blessings and appreciation to all who have served including my sons Bud and Terry, may our future be one of peace.
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